Friday, May 31, 2013

We're On the Road Again!

Hello Friends & Family! 

We left Saturday May 25th after loading up the final things in the car...finishing up with the last items in the storage unit...gosh that was a lot of work...and we are bushed!  Our Buyer came to pick up the key and we shared a little more with Doug and wished him lots of happiness in our sweet home we have owned these past 12 yrs.  Off we went the family & friends in the Seattle area. 

It was a good visit and the family too is excited for us in the adventure that lies ahead! We said our good-bye's and did stop by our dear friends Al & Sue in Seattle too!

Now we are "on the road again" heading to Modesto CA!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Maps of Malaysia / Cambodia

We plan to fly into Singapore and then travel north into Malaysia. 

Coming to a Close in Bend Oregon ~


Well dear friends & we are the Day we are closing escrow on our home here in Bend...we should be recording soon at the recorder's office! Nick is making his last trips here and there and finishing up in the garage.  Will be packing our backpacks later this afternoon and one suitcase we plan to bring along. 

Tomorrow morning we will be handing over the key to the purchaser and then heading north to Seattle to visit the family for a few days.  Which will be great! Then drive down to Modesto to say our good-byes to family & friends there.   Then on to the Bay Area to visit with  Mom & step-Dad Jim and we will put our car on Craigslist to sell! Once we have the car sold - well then we will find us a one way ticket from San Francisco to Singapore!  Now that is the plan for now!

We are parting with our family and friends for a while...but only for a while...till we meet again!  We are reachable by email & Skype and this travel blog too!  So only a 'face' away or a email away or a blog away from you all! 

Will keep you posted! 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

17 more days to go...we are plugging by box!  Nick is doing a trememdous job of stacking and organizing the 10 X 10 unit...amazing how so much can go in there...if only it is well organized!