Tuesday, December 17, 2013

We were So Blessed Today!

Today we get a knock on the door and heard voices in the garage...and here comes Endah with her daughter Karina and son Mohammad and they had a gift for us!

The house we are renting needed an house number - so Endah made one for us  us!!!!
                                  .....With Nico Diemel on it!

Oh my, Nick & I were so' flattered - that Endah would take so' much time to make it for us!  Just look at the work she put in - and so colorful!  Here family, Karina who is in the 5th grade and little Mohammad who is 3 years old and speak English - came to give us the gift!  When Endah and her father - who owns the house, came over the other day ~ we signed a contract to extend our stay here in the house~ but we did not have a house number (we would usually explain to people "Rumah merah"-red house) so Endah thought we needed a house number and we too thought that would be nice...so with that said - she got busy and made us a personal one! 
Again - we were flattered and blessed for her kindness and effort!  We are truly "spoiled" but such kind gestures and feel so very welcomed in our neighborhood Dukuh!  

Sweet and so' Thoughtful! 
Thank you Endah!

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