Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bangkok Nursing Hospital / Medical Centre

Hi Everyone ~ Nick brought the computer- so I can give you all an update!

We arrived in Bangkok, from Java on Monday evening 5 pm...and arrived at our Christian Guest House at 6 pm!  We had an appt at 1 pm on Tuesday with the surgeon - he looked at it and ordered a Ultrasound - and yes confirmed a hernia.  After the ultrasound we went back to his office~

 - and we sat and talked about it.  He also looked at the 2nd lump much smaller but said it was not a hernia.  My rib ~

So he asked when would you like the operation done?  We said tomorrow?  Yes that can happen at 9 am...all right let's do it!

He explained there was two ways to do the surgery: one was open from the front and put in the mesh and then close it - OR - have it done with laproscopic (1 in cession for the camera and do the surgery through the other 2 additional holes made - which after explaining it - was the one we decided on. So he sent me to get a blood test & a EKG and then the EKG was not accurate - so we were advised to do a ECOgram - the reason the EKG was not good is because funny enough my heart is not in a slant position but is left-right positioned...strange!  But the ECO was good and no heart problems - the heart specialist said I was born with it and that it was no problem...just left-right positioning!  She said she had not experienced that in Thailand yet. 

When all was done at 6:30pm we headed back to the hotel- went out to have something light to eat and rested.  Early Rise in the morning!

At 7 am this morning we checked in - and at 9:30 am I was rolled into the surgery room.  Then at 12 noon I woke up in recovery!  The doctor said all went well.  

We have really good care - a private room too!

Just wanted let you know that all is well!  The Lord has totally covered me in His Peace & Strength!  So thankful to Him and all of you that prayed for me!  We are on the road to recovery! 

God Bless you - !  

Love from Ellen & Nico

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