Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 15th 2014 - Skyler is 2 today!

Two years ago - I was honored with the Birth of my little Skyler - in Holland!
Yes...and this grandma/Oma was blessed to be right there in the hospital with them (on Skype!) when Mama-Milou was able to sit up in the bed with her new bundle of JOY!
Oh how blessed I was to be introduced to Skyler Aletta Brugman for the 1st time - tears of JOY and thanksgiving in my heart to the Lord for this gift!
Today - Skyler is 2 yrs old!  Yes already!  It is 12 noon here and 5 hrs earlier in Holland - 7 am there ...and Jason, Milou and the Birthday-girl are awake now!!! 
Nick & I were here with a cup-cake with a candle and a sign wishing her a Happy Birthday...blowing on our little Birthday whistles - and "the candle" was on!  

All on .....and let's sing!
"Happy Birthday to YOU"
"Happy Birthday to YOU"
"Happy Birthday dear Skyler"

"Happy Birthday to YOU!"


 She looked intently into the laptop screen...seeing her Oma singing and blowing on her sure got her attention alright!

 She was happy to receive a BIG ballon from a Mama & Papa with a "2"on it ~

 - and a set of plates with her favorite characters on it "Woezel and Pip"  a popular cartoon now in Holland!  She was very proud of her new set!

 We wished them a special day today!  And congratulated them with their daughter's Birthday!  Jason had to go off to work...and Milou would go do some shopping for the Birthday celebration! 

 Again - Happy Birthday Skyler!  Van harte Gefeliciteerd Skyler!  Have a great day! Een hele fijn dag toegewenst! 

Selamat Tahun Ulang Skyler!

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