Friday, November 15, 2013

Gosh Weekend Already??????

Friday ~ 

Wow - are we spoiled......yes we went by Beppie and Elisha and had a wonderful cup of coffee and then Beppie asked what kind of coffee we drink - well instant right now.  She offered us her french press to use AND this wonderful coffee - 

                                                                   um hm good! 

                                                    Look what it says?????!!!!! 

Yes... would you believe it..... this coffee is from the town my father was born in "Bandoeng" and it even has the old Dutch spelling of the town on the package! (now spelled Bandung) And further - look....on the left side written in Dutch a little word of instruction..cute or what?????
......and best of is a delicious cup of coffee!  Thank you Beppie - you spoiled Nick & I! Heerlijk gewoon weg! 


You say - why is Ellen showing this to us??????  This is a new thing for Nick & I......maybe for you too?

This electrical meter box is out on the  front porch.  The way it works is this:  you go to the local convenience store and you give them the rupiahs and they give you a number code to type into it......

 and Lo & Behold.....

..... your bill is paid and you have electricity for another month!
Nice huh?  Yes you can buy as much as you want - and not hassle with is each month - you decide!  Very very reasonable!

It rained a lot today...on and off but throughout the day.  So we hung a line in one of the rooms - ala!  

We are pretty fond of the geckos around here!  The 'big" loud one in the backyard 
well so far we haven't seen him YET...but ...we hear him loud and clear!  The "tokeh"  (toe-kay) sound is something else!  

 Then the little ones that crawl on the ceiling in the evening - well they are the cutest...and doing a good job keeping us free from the little bugs!  So a man knocks at the door selling these - and now we have a real decoration on our wall here in the house!  This one hopefully will be able to go into the suitcase ~

One experience the other evening was - .... I opened the cabinet in the kitchen and I must of scared one of these little guys - so he jumped towards me - like right at me and bumped my shoulder coming at me....YIKES! Now that  I don't want to have happen way!  So I hope to be a little nosier in the kitchen to prepare him/her  so'   he/she can vanish BEFORE I open the cabinet door!
                         No flying gecko's for me!!!! 
Nick is taking a snooze -he looks pretty comfy - I must say!

This evening we joined a group of friends for songs & fellowship.
There was about 18 of us and we so' enjoyed it!  How great it is to make acquaintance with so many new people and make friends!  Sweet!

 It was raining this evening as we headed home - but Nick is careful and we had someone to follow - leading the way back to our Kampung.  What fun - riding on the scooter in the rain!

Tomorrow we are invited for a pancake breakfast that will be held at the little cafe restaurant at Beppie & Elisha - we think we might just do that & join in....could they be those "Dutch" ones by any chance?  Which are more like a very thin crepe????  Hummmmmm...we will see....  i n   t h e   m o r n i n g!!

Good Night - sleep tight - Welterusten!  Salamat Tidor! 

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