Monday, June 16, 2014

Friends ~

 This is Lucie - and she has been here in Salatiga almost a year - volunteering in the school ~ and loving it!  She is a sweety and we have enjoyed her - she is so enthousiastic and full of life!  Such a JOY to have gotten to know!
Lucie is heading back to Germany in September to begin her studies in Heidelberg - she will enter into a 4 years of university.  It was her desire when she graduated from High School to first come to Indonesia for a year to volunteer!!  What a devotion! Oh I am so proud of my sweet friend committed!

 Pak Jono - had the shirt on that Nick designed...and came to show it to us!  Hey Baik Pak Jono! 

Kristian & Lianne are in their last week as well.  So we decided to have another date together!  
We squeezed in one more time to go play a game of pool and have a bite to eat! 

 Kris was telling us that they came to this very hotel last Wednesday evening at 2 am in the morning and watched LIVE TV the soccer game Holland- Spain!  He said it was quite a game and the group that met there about 8 people got pretty excited watching it ....and the game went on till 4 am!
.....yes and Holland won Spain ..... 5-1...Holland takes it back from 4 years ago!  

Yeah Holland!!! 

 I bet the Hotel will remember this group...knowing the Dutchies....THEY GOT EXCITED WINNING OVER SPAIN!

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