Sunday, June 22, 2014

Oh Boy Did we have a Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 So this "cucu" (granddaughter in bahasa Indonesia) - why? Because from the moment we arrived she has called us Oma & Opa!  This cucu (chew-chew)  Jessica is a very special one...!  She says to us.."Let's have a fun evening before you go OK?  Can we have some friends over your house?  OK...sounds good Jess!"  Then the day before she comes by and says..."no let's have it at Biztro instead" 

Oh!Oh! ...we thought - hmm what is cucu up to????  You can see on that smile & face...when we arrived at Biztro..."OK....Cucu...what's happening girl?"

 She smiled and told us to go ahead and order something.  We were handed a menu....OK Jessica we will do that too!


Then Linda walks in!  "Hey Hi There Linda...glad to see you!"  

Nick handed her a gift - and she says........

"Oh I know the perfect spot to hang this up....follow me!"  

We followed her alright...and she lead us straight into the banquet room..........

.......and LO and BEHOLD......we see some very familiar faces!!!

 Oh gosh you guys......How sweet is this!                          Surprise! 

There was even a Band!  Lucie sang & with friends!  So very special!

She sang "I'm leaving on a Jet Plane...."  Oh Oh now I am getting quite emotional & got teary eyed!       

The "ice breaker" was a Hula Hoop!  Yes Linda brought some  hula hoop's and guess who had to start this? 
... Yep ....."stiff & un-hippy" Ellen & Nico!

 Most everyone gave it a try.....

Aan...did really good!  

    Look at those legs!

 ...and Lucie knew what she was doing....

GO  LUCIE....yeah Lucie!!!! dear German girl ...did it again!!!!

 Gordon gave it a try ~

....Go Gordon!!!!
 Now here comes Tyas...and she showed us ALL HOW TO DO IT RIGHT!!!

Oh my got the "hip" movement!

 The Banquet room was all dressed up with Dutch colors...yes Red White & Blue...and Yes all American colors too....thank you have made us feel so welcome here in Salatiga  in Linda!

The room is beautiful and all those pretty sparkelie things hanging down....way cute!

Terima Kasih bu are ever a   very very special LADY!!!!
Erwin, Aan Tyas and Albert....
Checking out the "delicious" items on the menu!
While "cucu" looks on with a BIG smile!  Yeah she had a BIG smile alright...our cucu!!!
Lucie some very special songs too...oh such a sweet voice! 

Gordon & Nico chatted ~

Amanda, Endah & Deborah had fun! 
There is Ali - Gustavo's wife...who just returned from Costa Rica!  And Deborah who is one of my prayer Buddy's!
Amanda, and Muhammad & Endah and Deborah (my other prayer Buddy!) and Gordon ~

Rio and Henk! 
There is Yohanes too! 

Yeah Yohanes!!
Jubilee was treated with a very scrumptious ice cream dish and hopefully Mommy too get a few bites right Jubilee???!!!

Muhammad remembered Biztro and wanted to have the same again...chicken sticks....Muhammad Likes!

Jubilee & Muhammad became good friends last evening! 
Then Linda got a chair and began to share some really kind things....oh my Linda....gosh!!!!  OK OK we thank God for His goodness!  We thank God for His Love!!!  We thank God for His Grace! 

Nick & I were blessed with several different languages...hmmm lets see:  Indonesian, Spanish, German, Portuguese and English!  We were bathed in prayers & many blessings for the days ahead...WOW!
Endah had made a very cute wall decoration for us....

"E & N"....with lots of sparkles and pretty things on it!

Oh Endah - thank you so very much!  How special that you made that for us!!!!

 And Karina, her daughter too had a pretty

 gift for us...a beaded pencil cover!

Thank you Karina!

What a wonderful evening with so many good friends!  Thank you EVERYONE...FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIPS..WARMTH AND KINDNESS! We have truly been blessed to know you...each and everyone of you!!!!

God Bless each and Everyone of you!!!  We shall miss you!

Sampia Nanti! Yes till we meet again!

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