1st Friday of the Month
What a very special day we had today!
Woke up early...Jerry had already loaded up the car & brought to the church the 2nd and last load of boxes for the children ministry.This was an exciting Day and Nick & I were now finally able to see with our own eyes what On the Frontline Ministries is all about!
We were ready at 7:30 am and the four of us went to the property that not only holds the Sunbeam orphanage but also has the church building where the pastors come together once a month.
There are 600 pastors now preaching in their village's and their own surrounding areas! At least 200+ came today, some with families.
They hire cooks to come and prepare the lunch....and they start at 7:30 am preparing - there is a lot of mouths to feed!
This man is preparing the white rice~ 3 big wok's!
Here they are chopping the veggies and cooking the meat - I think/....hope it was chicken!
To see all this in action was pretty neat!
As you can see there was a lot of preparation in place.
All the pastors come on their "moto" from many district's to have church! One came as far as an 8 hr drive! The moto "pastor" does the oil changes and the motorbikes during the day. Checking for any problems they might have.
Each Moto has SGJC on it! Because the moto belong to the ministry. The ministry which is called "Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ" is the official name of the church - as they continue to preach the Gospel, the pastors can keep the moto.
Church is about to start...everyone greeted us warmly with a big smile and a bowed with hands together - the Khmei way! Nick & I enjoyed returning the greeting!
This gentleman spoke fluent English and he shared his love for Jesus and his desire to share it with who-ever would listen.
He said I have a gift in my heart and I want others to know what a blessing it is to be forgiven for all their sins - and what a JOY it is to walk in such freedom! Nick & I said a loud.....
A momma with her children.
This little boy too, wanted to be in the picture! With his hands on his hips ...he posed!
Loved seeing the pastors worship the Lord...it was a amazing sight to behold for us! All these years we heard the stories and what GOD was doing in Battambang...and NOW here we were seeing it with our own eyes! Praise the Lord!
Nick shared how he had called upon the Lord in a very hard time in his life...and GOD was there and responded! Yes GOD is real! He revealed Himself to Nick when he called out. Nick said He/GOD loves you and me today and desires a relationship with us...Nick thanked the pastor's for being such a witness of the Lord in their own communities and country! The translator was right there translating for him ..I was proud and thankful to see Nick up there! All the men said AMEN!
Time for Lunch~
Jerry oversees everything- greeting and talking here and there...he is a true servant of the Lord!
(the tent was erected in the morning because it was supposed to rain today) {it did...but much later in the afternoon!}
Everyone was enjoying lunch and fellowship!
Then lunch was over...and immediately the dishes were collected and it was time to take down the tent so the truck & rental company could take it out!
Boy did that ever go down fast!
Jerry is doing some last minute inspection on all the materials that will be given away to each pastor: ...he passed out the coloring crayons, worship booklets, Bibles whatever the pastor's needed~
What a cute sight...
Nick & I were humbled by what we saw....a good work! What a blessing - 12 yrs of servanthood in Cambodia...and 120,000+ people are followers of the Lord today as a result of "On the Frontline Ministries!"
To see the JOY in their eyes...to see the witness of it right here in Cambodia...it was a wonderful day today...and we were ever so thankful to have come all this way to experience the great work taking place!
What a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing! God is good!