Monday, July 1, 2013

Kuala Lumpur ....Another Hotel......ahhhhhhhh!

Nick was settling into our hotel...getting online to check on email's.

Hey that is a mirror in the elevator..."Nico...Look up!"

First thing we did was email Boy & Brandi de Jong ~ friends from Holland/Texas! Tineke my very best girlfriend in The Hague~ her brother Gerrie & Jannie - has a son...and Boy works as a engineer for a sub-contractor who works for oil companies all over the world!  So Boy met Brandi ~ an adorable Texan girl - and they have two beautiful children Bjorn & Bela (pronounced bay-la) darling!
Bjorn had just awakened from a nap...and enjoyed watching a movie about "Woody" Wow Bjorn you sure are cute!!!!

Little Bela is a 'live-wire" ...she gets around...and is going places for sure! 1 year...! Mommy & Daddy have two beautiful children!

Boy & Brandi were so sweet...they wined & dined was wonderful to just relax and enjoy their company...what a blessing it was to spend the evening with them! And to Top it all ...we got to speak with Jannie his Mom on Skype (Holland is 6 hrs behind Malaysia time) Jannie & Tineke visited us in Bend when Boy was working in Houston 7-8 yrs ago) it was just great to talk to her...face to face...hardstikke leuk hoor Jannie!!!!!!! Jij hebt een reuze lieve zoon & schoondochter een schattige kleinkinderen...ja hoor! 

Their home was beautiful to say the least! My.. a private gate and protected home site.  Surrounded in a very lovely part of the town in Kuala Lumpur. 

Beautiful garden...

The children are having their dinner now...and sweet Arlene who is from the Philippians and lives with the family takes wonderful care for the children too...and so we went out for

 dinner the four of us that evening...thank you Arlene!! 

We had moved closer to the airport because we decided to head north to an island called Penang...desiring to do rest up a will be a week tomorrow since leaving the States....already! 

Found the Empress Hotel...and stayed one night...the next morning the hotel shuttle bus took us to the airport...and our day began with booking a flight (Sunday) at the airport.

  It was 11 am and our flight would leave at 5:20 a bit of a wait - "hang out" time at the airport.  Nick had a very nice conversation with a lady from Malaysia traveling with her high school daughter who were also traveling to Taiwan for a week's holiday.  She was married to an Irishman. 
I decided to catch up in my Journal...the days pass by quickly and we want to be sure to log some of the experiences in more detail.  

We arrived on the island of Penang right on time...6:30 pm..a decent enough time to head to our hotel and relax and go get a bite to eat - BUT- suitcase arrived...and the 2nd one was not at the baggage claim area...yikes! So we got in line to notify AirAsia and then decided...we better wait for that next plane out of KL!
Which we flight in 9:00pm...let's do it...and ahhhhh YES! there it was...yeah! 

Thank you LORD! - Those prayers work...Hallelujah!

Found a taxi and Lo & Behold...probably the most run-down taxi stopped to help us...they were standing in line at the airport...we were escorted to that one! Took a 30 min drive out of a very "strong smelling gas" car...Nick & I were smelling fumes...heavy duty! The window's closed and the air conditioner running...I rolled down the window a tad...just to get some fresh air! The "new" experiences we encounter...ha! 

Our hotel Naza Talyya is right on the beach...very nice for only $28,- way to go Nick! Doing most of our booking through (thanks Maralin!) 8th floor and we have a view!

Time to has been again a long day! 
Good night everyone! 

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for this exciting journey continue! Love the blog format and pictures!! Very fun to read and follow.
    Susan Lubke
