Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday July 13th ~

Here are some scenes we experience around - and want to share with you all! 

As we are sitting on the veranda during the day...the local people  are selling their good's, food & fruit's to those on the beach! What a cute' different in this little boat...yet these people are working hard to earn a living! We realize that...and always remember to be thankful for all we are doing and experiencing - we feel blessed and thankful to the Lord for His gracious blessings! 

Thankfully they are having a good day! Business is coming their way!

I bought a cool summer dress...nice & airy ha! it is Hot-sie Tot-sie here! 

 A lot of chances to cozy up with my Nico....!

We decided last evening to have dinner here at the hotel...gosh such a treat...right on the beach! 

The sweet Thai servers are ever ready to help - in anyway they can! 

Do you see the rainbow? Yes the Lord is looking down upon it! And I am looking upon the rainbow!

 The Sundown is so pretty!

Our pathway to and from our pretty! 

Just had to take a shot of this sign...& take a moment to read it! Cute!

Here we and comfortable...taking in the sights all around us! 
 Nick & I took a stroll along the coast...seeing all the lights from the different restaurant's & hotels...
....A sight to behold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes -I  helped Nick eat this...banana fritters with ice cream and a little chocolate...dangerously good!

Tomorrow is Sunday & so because we are NOT traveling on a Sunday...we read about this International church...Mercy Church and are so' looking forward to attending at 1:00 pm! 

We rented a scooter and will scoot ourselves off to church...! 

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