She is doing well all things considered ~ Still in her own home and thankful for the care she receives through out the week!
We talked about her sister, (my Mom) and her last visit to Holland with Maralin my sis in 2010....she was so happy about that and still talks about how nice it was that Mom & Mar came by so often in those 3 weeks!
Tante Evie is in a facility and she is getting weaker and loosing weight. Both Edward my cousin with his mom (my aunt)) and Ingrid his wife is also dealing with her mother in a facility - hard to see our parents become so frail....always hard for us kids even though we know it will happens!
Ingrid had such a nice lunch for us "again" when we returned from our visit! We so enjoyed a nice sit down lunch with a delicious soup (YES very good Ingrid!) and also an Indo dish..Gado-Gado...mighty fine!
Ingrid is a member of the "Red Hat" group and she loves her red hats and red hat friends!
Tineke my girlfriend invited us over for a nice visit with the family! Bob her son and Diandra had just returned from a week vacation in nice to hear about their vacation & see pictures....they had a wonderful time...relaxing in the Sun!
Bob & Diandra are adorable and then Bob's sis Marleen arrived and we had a lovely evening!
I have known them since they were born...oh how I love this family! The sweetest!
Tineke & I celebrate our friendship in November - 43 years!
Wow! Amazing huh? Tineke had a lovely dinner all decked out! Marleen made a delicious salad, Tin a wonderful dish with pasta...and Bob brought the wine & ice cream and we brought the fruit! And our time together was precious!
Today we went to Voorburg to meet Nick's two other cousins!
We had a wonderful time! These two cousins, sisters ~ Fredy & Wendela Nick has never met before! Where were they when he arrived from Indonesia to Holland with his family?
The three of them questioned it...maybe in school???
Anyway we met Fredy & her husband Jan
and Wendela & her husband Jan
and together we had a fabulous time talking and laughing and enjoyed a nice lunch together!
We must stay in touch - we all said!!!
Oh Yes...we must! Family is important!
We will exchange email's and addresses and we promised to stay in touch!!! Good we all said!
And...behind us is a picture painted by a family member Mar Dieme'l (1903-1983)- ...and Fredy & Jan purchased special!
They say that Mar Diemel painted himself in the picture (middle person) do you see a resemblance?
Wim & Birgit Diemel in Nijmegen gave Nick 2 books by Mar Diemel, last week (thank you again Wim!) and today we saw this very beautiful painting in the Diemel/Verreck home in Voorburg!
Pretty special all these appointments!
Mar Diemel "Life & Work" Leven en Werk ~ Mar Dieme'l put the little accent mark above his "e" because of the name Diemel being a German name during the time of the the accent gave it a kind of French sound...ha! Interesting story!
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