Good Job Milou! I am impressed! That is a whole lot of work there! So off she went to meet the family there and the ladies! Everyone would make something special...can you imagine all the food...14 ladies....Wow!
So Jas, Skyler and Nick & I spent the afternoon together...running around town a bit!
He showed us a area he & Milou would like to live....and yes I too have lived there - and it is very nice indeed! Then we took a ride along the harbor of Scheveningen!
Scheveningen Harbour
It is fun to ride around and see how everything has grown so since actually living here!
Jas took us along a canal and we had a cup of the very place my sis & Mom has done with Jason some years back! It was a cute park with a raft-you had to cross to get to! The raft has seating and is run on a cable underneath.
So it came back empty and now it is our turn! We stepped into it and sat down...and over the water we went...cute huh?
Skyler likes!
Papa takes good care of his little girl!
Skyler looked at the other side...a girl was reeling us over - and doing quite a good job! Skyler was all eyes! Skyler is wearing Tante Maralin's jeans jacket she sent almost fits...but Oma liked it so much...we wore it special today! I like my little granddaughter in her jeans outfit...ha!
The father grinned as his little girl kept turning that wheel....he was quite proud!
We enjoyed a nice walk through the park back to the car...and went home with Jas and would you believe it my son made a really good dinner for his parents!!!
Wow Jas....fresh spinach, friend potatoes and some crunchy chicken that this Oma likes too! Wow...he has become quite all around sweet man....I am proud of my son!
Later that evening Milou came home from her day with the ladies and we enjoyed some more special time together!
This momma is glad to have had this time with the family! We walked down the stairs to the front door...and they sweet a picture!
Oh it will be hard to leave next week!
Sniff! Sniff!
So sweet standing together up there! It was a nice time together....and this Friday Jas & I have a date together to spend some time one on one!
I am looking forward to it!
Don't ya love it....Ellen on the bike going to the store! Yes how fun....I just love it...the wind blowing and pedaling along with all the other Dutchies! I am getting pretty good at it...going here and there on those paths! Love riding through the woods too...all so pretty!
I have to admit - it has been a wonderful time spending almost 2 months here in Holland but actually in my home town!
So the question I look like a Dutch Dutch-Indo...that's what I am! Ha!
Today I finished trimming and cleaning up the front & back yard! It was so much fun to do...always love to work in the yard ~ Nick gets a little concerned because he says those clippers have a hey-day when they are in my hands...but it spruced up nicely! We so appreciate the use of this home...we want to show our appreciation for the use of it!
Still at times we feel so blessed to have had this place too...we are thankful to our dear friends - Martin you too for the use of the cute studio apartment!
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